The First African American Woman is Coming to the $20 Bill

In Archive by Aaliyah Sade Murphy

Photo via Flickr

On the morning of April 20th, the most googled phrase was “Who is Harriet Tubman?” This occurred in response to news that American hero Harriet Tubman would soon grace the front of the $20 bill. The announcement left the internet in shambles, prompting celebratory tweets and funny memes by members of the Black community while sending others unfamiliar with the prominent Black History figure to Google and other search engines to learn more.

The announcement left the internet in shambles, prompting celebratory tweets and funny memes by members of the Black community while sending others unfamiliar with the prominent Black History figure to Google and other search engines to learn more.

According to U.S. Treasury Officials, abolitionist Harriet Tubman will replace former President Andrew Jackson on the front of the bill while Jackson’s image gets incorporated into the existing White House image on the back of the bill. The Treasury plans to redesign the $5, $10 and $20 bill over the course of the next four year.

Harriet Tubman will be the first African American figure to grace an American dollar bill and the first woman on a modern U.S. bill.